Good Death Doula Services
A complimentary 30-minute consultation is provided for anyone who is interested in learning more about what services are offered and how I can best support you or your loved one at this time.
Journey Guide
Advanced Care Planning
Resources and support
Spiritual guide
Vigil Support
Create a vigil plan
Collaborate with family and hospice
Support with the funeral home, disposition, and burial resources
Speaking Requests
Various topics around death education, planning, and doula support
“Only a fraction of us, 10 to 20 percent, will die without warning. The rest of us will have time to get to know what’s going to end our lives. As discomforting as that can be, it does afford us time to live with this knowledge, get used to it, and respond. We do have some choice about how we orient ourselves toward the inevitable.”
- Dr. BJ Miller, A Beginner’s Guide To The End: Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death